Technology and architecture

Our technology is deployed in high availability architectures offering high quality end products and respecting three principles: confidentiality, availability and integrity. The various features of presentation, application processing and data management are presented separately in a multi-tier architecture providing great flexibility to this technology.

Our solutions are supported by three data centers that facilitate services at any time and respect the three premises described. These are some of the services that strengthen the security of our solutions:

  • 24x7 monitoring redundant service with automated processes that trigger different alarms classified at different levels facing potential problems and providing a great follow up for technology components.
  • Encrypted daily and redundant backups to allow carrying out recovery plans in case of possible problems.
  • Intrusion detection.
  • Integrity services for monitoring changes in the configuration of the data centers.
  • Double line of firewalls to monitor potential threats, illegal access or potentially dangerous traffic.
  • Access control for the data centers and antivirus services that are updated and executed daily.